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Building Supplies

Wire and Pre-Made Coils:
Kanthal Wire:

Round Wire:

30 ft. spools available in 20, 22, 24, and 26 Ga.

Pre-cut rods available in 22 and 24 Ga.


Specialty Wire and Coils:


Demon Killer Fused Clapton wire 15 ft. spool. Made with 0.3*0.8 kanthal ribbon wire and 32 Ga. kanthal claptoning.


Demon Killer Assorted pre-made coil pack: 8 different styles of pre-wound coils 6 coils per style all clearly labeled with expected resistance for a dual coil build.


Geekvape Zeus MESH RTA Ni200 mesh strips

Temperature Control Wire:

Titanium (Ti) Rods 26 and 28 Ga. rods.


Nickle (Ni200) 30 ft. spools in 26 and 28 Ga.


Stainless Steel (316L) 30 ft. spools 24 Ga. only.


Coil Master DiY Mini Kit


Coil Master Coil Winding Jig


Coil Master Ceramic Tweezers


Cotton Bacon V2

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